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Why Choose A Solicitor With CU Home Hub?

Clear and Concise Pricing

Solicitor pricing is confusing! Between Outlays, Stamp Duty, Professional Fees and VAT it can be hard to be sure what you’re paying for and it’s difficult to compare prices of solicitors who price their work in different ways. The CU Home Hub app contains a simple breakdown of solicitor pricing to make it easy to make comparisons and so that you don’t run into any surprises when the bill comes your way!

Only The Best Communicators

A common story for buyers is to have their solicitor vanish for weeks on end without a word, delaying their purchase and causing an enormous amount of stress. Those days are over! The solicitors we partner with have a stellar reputation for communication so that you’ll feel comfortable throughout the process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Solicitors

Do I Need to Meet My Solicitor In-Person?

That depends on the solicitor! While some require you to meet in-person to sign official documents, others have changed how they work so that you can carry out the process entirely online. This means that you are no longer tied to solicitors in your local area and you can choose one of the best solicitors in the country no matter where you live. How you communicate with your solicitor depends entirely on your personal preference, while many prefer the personal touch of meeting their solicitor in-person others want to move through the process online. In the CU Home Hub app you can search through the best local solicitors and find one that matches your preference.

What Is a Conveyancing Solicitor / Conveyancer?

A conveyancing solicitor, or a conveyancer, is a solicitor that specialises in the legal aspects of buying and selling property as well as law related to taking out a mortgage.

What Does a Conveyancing Solicitor Do?

A conveyancing solicitor navigates the legal complexities of purchasing a home on your behalf. Your solicitor will handle contracts, they will verify property details and carry out searches on your behalf, they will provide legal advice and they will also handle officially registering you as the new home owner in government records.

Do I Need a Conveyancing Solicitor?

Yes, it is unlikely that estate agents or lenders will deal with you directly when it comes to drafting legally binding contracts unless you have qualifications in conveyancing already.

Will My Solicitor Check Planning Records?

A common cause of lenders denying a mortgage application are property changes without required planning permission. Examples of these include illegal extensions or changes to protected structures. A good solicitor will ask you to verify the current property details with you and let you know if you need to take any action when the home doesn’t line up with government documents.